My son was so surprised and excited to receive a real replica sword from One Piece. He wasn’t expecting real metal so to see his face light up was priceless. The stand is beautiful as well. Great craftsmanship, arrived by Christmas, and made someone happy.
Top notch service as always. Good quality. Great replicas.
I was surprised by how fast I received my order! It came sharper than I expected, and I am very pleased with the entire ordering process and delivery! Everything start to finish has been great! My stepson is going to be so excited to display this on his wall!! Thank you so much!!
Brittany the barber
Everything came as expected in perfect condition!! :)
The shipping was so fast and the sword is so pretty
Pretty good feeling and quality overall, only thing it was missing one of the "metal flowers" on the sword handle and some minor scratches here and there., that's why I'm giving it a 4 start, other than that, good sword.
Good sword, feels nice in my hands (I have small hands) good weight to it; need a little strength to stop the swing from going too far. When you first unsheath the sword there’s a bag over the blade and there was some sort of foam and lube on my blade from the sheath as well idk what that was (didn’t cause any problems it can just be wiped away). The white bands wrapped around the sheath does move up and down. Not as sharp as I would like it to be but it will cut through stuff. Overall was a good purchase.
I love Enma so much. The design and colors are complimentary. Sharpened perfectly.
Love the sword it came as advertised looks great and is really sharp this is my second sword and I will be ordering more.
Manga style next the purple animed one 😈
My son loved it!
There was dirt all over the sword and in the sheath. Every time I take it out there plenty of dirt but other than that great katana
It was a awesome gift truly amazing worth every penny. If you find something you like get it from true katana.
Very good quality! Can’t wait to put it on the wall!
I love Enma!!! 2 more to go to complete the whole set!!! And you better believe truekatana will be getting my business for those as well!!
Bought it as a gift. The recipient LOVED it.
Beautiful, well designed katana. I would have loved a violet version like in the show, but forgetting about the color, the details and hamon look amazing. Definitely looking for more here.
Was not in a box, just tape and Styrofoam
It was a beautiful sword, awesome gift for my loves anniversary gift. Shipped quickly.
The swords look really nice I only have a tiny amount of things I didn't like but nothing big, I would also have been willing to pay extra for it to be made with a higher quality metal
Super sick sword, def would buy again!
Good sword
W sword