★ On Sale Up To 40% Off Today ★
Handmade Japanese Wakizashi Sword Damascus Steel
Handmade Japanese Wakizashi Sword Damascus Steel
529.00 USD
Handmade Japanese Katana Sword With Purple Blade
Handmade Japanese Katana Sword With Purple Blade
319.00 USD
Handmade Japanese Samurai Sword With Yellow Saya
Handmade Japanese Samurai Sword With Yellow Saya
689.00 USD
Handmade Japanese Samurai Sword Spring Steel
Handmade Japanese Samurai Sword Spring Steel
219.00 USD
Handmade Japanese Samurai Sword Melaleuca Steel
Handmade Japanese Samurai Sword Melaleuca Steel
249.00 USD
Handmade 1065 Carbon Steel Shirasaya Katana With Full Tang Blade
Handmade Full-tang 1095 Carbon Steel Tanto Sword
Handmade Full-tang 1095 Carbon Steel Tanto Sword
1 Reviews
149.00 USD
Handmade Japanese Samurai Sword 1095 Carbon Steel
Handmade Japanese Samurai Sword 1095 Carbon Steel
479.00 USD
Handmade Japanese Samurai Sword T10 Carbon Steel
Handmade Japanese Samurai Sword T10 Carbon Steel
419.00 USD
Handmade Japanese Katana Sword With Hamon Blade
Handmade Japanese Katana Sword With Hamon Blade
349.00 USD
Handmade Full-tang T10 Carbon Steel Tanto Sword
Handmade Full-tang T10 Carbon Steel Tanto Sword
459.00 USD
Handmade Medieval Longsword Manganese Steel
Handmade Medieval Longsword Manganese Steel
259.00 USD
Handmade European Bastard Sword Manganese Steel
Handmade European Bastard Sword Manganese Steel
249.00 USD
Handmade Medieval Longsword Full Tang
Handmade Medieval Longsword Full Tang
269.00 USD
Handmade Bastard Sword With Black Pu Leather Saya
Handmade Bastard Sword With Black Pu Leather Saya
269.00 USD
Handmade Medieval Bastard Sword Manganese Steel
Handmade Medieval Bastard Sword Manganese Steel
249.00 USD
Handmade Full-tang T10 Carbon Steel Samurai Sword
Handmade Full-tang T10 Carbon Steel Samurai Sword
399.00 USD
Handmade Full-tang Damascus Steel Samurai Sword
Handmade Full-tang Damascus Steel Samurai Sword
589.00 USD

Customer Reviews

Patrick Jeffery Michigan, United States
Mar 06, 2025 14:59

So this is review on this tanto shipping took about ten days the tanto was packed good wicked blade nothing to gripe about nicely made a word to the wise if you get a shirasay style or any sword for that matter and it's extremely tight to get out of the scabbard for goodness sake please don't ask for a shipping label to send it back take the sword out and file out the opening in tiny incremental steps until it's good take the initiative to work on your sword or tanto to adjust things before freaking out and demanding a refund these things sometimes have to be done even on very expensive swords remember humidity plays a role in how snug things are as well better to have it tight and adjust then to receive it loose then it's harder to make it snug I see many silly complaints on reviews here that the item wasn't perfect in every way remember these are hand made by not just blade smiths but woodworkers and others so a lot goes into making a decent sword weather you realize it or not learn to work on your sword for simple or minor issues bond with it it's supposed to have a soul remember samurai and ancient warriors in Asia had to work on repair and maintain their swords and edged weapons they didn't just order a new one and if your sword has some tiny issue who cares it gives it character live with it if you can't work it out nothing in life is flawless so far I've ordered three items and there all pretty damn cool so please quit nitpicking if it's really bad ok send it back otherwise quit whining so far I love true katana and there designs and so far my customer service experience has been good it can be challenging as answered to e mail take a day or so and you may not get the answer your always looking for but be patient there's always going to be a few disgruntled people that sadly had a bad experience here but most reviews seem to be good so I have nothing but good things to say at this point Buddha bless

Handmade Full-tang 1095 Carbon Steel Tanto Sword Handmade Full-tang 1095 Carbon Steel Tanto Sword
Lambert Serge Hainaut, Belgium
Nov 10, 2024 02:54

Bonjour , pour toute l'équipe de TRUE KATANA . J'ai acheté chez vous 11 Katanas , pour ma collection . Les katanas ,wakizashi , et Tanto que je vous ai acheté , sont de très belles finitions . Cependant ,la SAYA en bois noir de mon wakizashi , étais fendue en deux endroits avec l'entrée trop étroite , pour introduction de l' HABAKY du sabre . Je l'ai fait recollé par un spécialiste sur bois . J'ai aussi dans le passé , perdu deux sabres , qui se sont égaré dans le transport vers mon domicile . Je me permet ces informations ,à votre demande ,afin d'améliorer le suivis , et la qualité de vos commandes . En bon client , je vous souhaite à toute l'équipe une bonne journée .

Handmade Full-tang T10 Carbon Steel Wakizashi Sword With Black Saya Handmade Full-tang T10 Carbon Steel Wakizashi Sword With Black Saya